Our Team
Pablo Alcázar
I am passionate about my work. I studied Physiotherapy at the Pontifical University of Comillas between 1996 and 1999. I only have good memories, the teachers, the classmates, the solid theoretical and practical bases learnt and above all the discovery of the vocation of service and attention to patients, listening to their problems and giving 100% in each session.
During 6 intense years of hard work I combined my studies of Osteopathy at the University of Alcalá de Henares with my professional activity in the physiotherapy centre Aquiles. In 2005 a new stage began, creating AliviaFisioterapia together with a colleague from the faculty and friend. With the support and trust of my patients, I grew as a physiotherapist and as an entrepreneur thanks to our valued team of professionals. Day by day we attended to many different types of patients and we even worked with many of the musical theatre companies that came to Madrid, Fama, Cabaret, El Rey de Bodas, etc. On a personal level, these were years of hard work in consultation and further training, taking different courses in Global Postural Reeducation, Visceral Manipulation, Sacrocranial Therapy, and the Expert Course in Assessment and Treatment of the Fascial System at the European University of Madrid.
Pablo Alcázar
With fascial therapy, I have finally found the tool that allows me to comprehensively address postural problems resulting from old injuries, visceral alterations or work or sports adaptations that the patients I see in my practice present. That is why I joined the Tensegrity team in 2017, to deepen my knowledge and development of fascial therapy. I am passionate about my job, it is the best job.
- Physiotherapist from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas
- Osteopath graduated from the University of Alcalá de Henares.
- Expert in the Assessment and Treatment of the Fascial System
- Member no. 1302 Professional Association of Physiotherapists of Madrid