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Clara Fernández
From a very early age I felt a great vocation for the world of health and for this reason I decided to develop my professional life in the world of physiotherapy. First of all because of the close relationship with the patient as well as the way of understanding the person, health and illness. Clinical reasoning from a physiotherapy perspective allows us to find the cause of the problems reported by our patients beyond the mere relief of the symptom.
I studied at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and from my first professional stage I started working in the sports field as a physiotherapist for the Tres Cantos Rugby Club and in the business field providing my services to different companies in the area of occupational risk prevention and health promotion. After graduating I took the Expert Course in Dry Needling at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and the Expert Course in Assessment and Treatment of the Fascial System at the Universidad Europea de Madrid. I have also oriented my professional training towards the prevention and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunctions in women at the Instituto de Terapias Neuro-Miofasciales including a Specialist Course in Therapeutic Pilates at the Colegio de Fisioterapeutas de Madrid.
Clara Fernández
At present I combine my training in osteopathy at the School of Osteopathic Training with my professional activity in the business world where I passionately carry out most of my work with a clear objective: to help my patients to look after their health and maintain their quality of life through physiotherapy and the practice of therapeutic exercise.
- Physiotherapist from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- Expert in Assessment and Treatment of the Fascial System
- Expert in Dry Needling and Myofascial Pain Treatment
- Member no. 10462 Professional Association of Physiotherapists of Madrid