Our Team


Alex Bermudez

I have always been interested in the world of health and for this reason I began my medical studies at the University of Salamanca. Due to various vicissitudes, I was forced to abandon my studies in the last years of my training and I had to focus my professional life in another direction.

Fortunately, 20 years later I had a new opportunity and was able to start my studies in physiotherapy at the Alfonso X University. At the same time I started to train as a Gestalt therapist which has allowed me to understand the needs of each of my patients from different perspectives.

I finished my Diploma in Physiotherapy in 2006 and that same year I started my own practice. The year 2009 definitively marked my career as a physiotherapist as I had the immense fortune to start working at the Tensegrity Boadilla clinic and to take the Expert Course in Assessment and Treatment of the Fascial System at the European University of Madrid, under the guidance of Raúl Martínez and Fernando Galán.

Alex Bermudez

Aware of the commitment acquired with each of my patients in the following years I have expanded my knowledge by completing a training in Osteopathic Manipulation as well as a Master's Degree in Conservative and Invasive Physiotherapy in the treatment of Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Nine years later I continue to enjoy my passion for physiotherapy at Tensegrity Boadilla.

- Physiotherapist from Alfonso X University

- Manual Therapy Specialist

- Expert in Assessment and Treatment of the Fascial System.

- Trained in Gestalt Therapy

- Member no. 5581 Professional Association of Physiotherapists of Madrid
